Christine Headley

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Rodborough Learn more

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Criminal damage on the cycle track

by Christine Headley on 11 March, 2009

I was horrified to hear that a tree had been cut down on the bank by the cycle track that links Stroud with Nailsworth and Stonehouse. The wood and leaf buds are clearly healthy, which bears out the report that the damage was done by a resident whose garden it overshadowed.

The cycle track is well used by cyclists and dog walkers. It makes a pleasant route from Rodborough School to Dudbridge. I doubt any thought was given to the safety of passers by.

People prepared to chop down trees that don’t belong to them, on a public right of way, are unlikely to have public liability insurance or safety equipment.

I believe those responsible should be prosecuted for criminal damage, and am contacting Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud Police to this effect.Cycle track tree.

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